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Everyone has heard or even tried to play Wordle, a challenging online game where players are tasked to guess a hidden word. But what do you know about Globle? We bet you have not tested yet this cool entertainment. So, the smartest players must have already noticed that these two titles have a lot in common. Actually, the games are also similar enough. But if you had to guess words in Wordle, here you will need to come up with geographical names. You will be guessing countries! Are you ready to show how well you know our planet? It will be fun! Learn all countries with no effort!

Guess it all!

So what are the rules? You type a random country, and then, you will see how close your suggestion is to different countries. The four places you will be shown will have different colors. Thus, you will be able to roughly estimate in which part of the world the hidden country is located. The more tries you make to find the clue to this puzzle, the less points you will receive. So you will need to refresh all the countries to succeed. Moreover, you will need to spell the names of the countries correctly, otherwise, the response is not accepted by the system. This cute activity is educational and especially recommended for schoolchildren and students who can easily improve their knowledge about the world’s map in a very amusing way. Are you sure you know all the counties of the globe? It is rather doubtful. Prove it in Globle!

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